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位置: ホーム > その他 >走行距離書き換えツール >V5.2 CBAY Handy Baby Car Key Copy キープログラマ 4D/46/48 Chips対応+G Chip Copy Function+G Chip 10pcs


V5.2 CBAY Handy Baby Car Key Copy キープログラマ 4D/46/48 Chips対応+G Chip Copy Function+G Chip 10pcs
  • V5.2 CBAY Handy Baby Car Key Copy キープログラマ 4D/46/48 Chips対応+G Chip Copy Function+G Chip 10pcs

    1 1 レビュー +レビューを投稿する
  • 特別価格:78124円

    節約:31250円 / 価格: 109374円
  • 商品番号 : PP166
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  • 商品説明

    V5.2 CBAY Car Key Copy 自動キープログラマ 4D/46/48 Chips対応+G Chip Copy Function+G Chip 10pcs,セットで買うと3400円位節約できます!
    CBAY Hand-held Car Key Copy Key Programmer for 4D/46/48 Chips
    手持ち型CBAY Car Key Copy 自動キープログラマ!
    4D/46/48 チップに対応可能、468 KEY PRO IIIの代替品。

    V5.2 CBAY Car Key Copy 自動キープログラマ 4D/46/48 Chips対応+G Chip Copy Function+G Chip 10pcs

    CBAY Key Copy Programmer

    コピー:46、4Dまたいくつかの48 I.E Buick Excelleのコピー可能で、IDを変えに特別なGMT46/4D Chips、ID48 chipsを使わなければならないです。

    CBAY Key Copy Programmer Recognize and Copy:

    4D/46/48チップためのCBAY Car Key Copy キープログランマは新着のカーキーコピー自動キープログランマです。それは完璧的に468 KEY PRO IIIに切り替え、特に4D/46/48 Chips のコピーです。

    注:CBAY Hand-heldのG チップコピー機能サービスがhttp://www.jobd2.jp/wholesale/g-function-authorization-for-handy-baby.htmlまでご覧ください。


    オフに:「On / off」ボタンまたは「On / off」と「OK」ボタン
    5. 新しいキーをコイルにコピーします。

    CBAY Key Copy Programmer Initialize:
    Please use with caution: only available for JMD46 / 4D and revisable UID48 chip. The data won’t be restored after the chip erased.
    Enter program, select the chip type, press "OK" to restore to factory settings.
    CBAY Key Copy Programmer Test Frequency:
    Steps to test the key remote frequency: Enter program, make key close to the surface of left button, meanwhile press remote button, then the frequency will display.
    CBAY Key Copy Programmer Data read and write:
    1) Read and write 46 chip
    1. Please select correct chip mode and password in order to read & write chip correctly. The device default chip mode and password is 46 chip blank.
    2. Select chip mode: move mouse cursor to "Mode", I.E "Plaintext mode", press "OK", the fonts turn black from white to indicate the selection mode, press "Up" and "Down" to select the Plaintext mode or password mode.
    3. Enter password: move cursor to the password box under the mode, press "OK" to proceed, press "Up" and "Down" to select the data (0`F), press "Left" and "Right" to transfer password.
    4. After finish press "OK"to exit, then move cursor to "Read all" to read out data.
    5. Read all: read out all data for 46 chip and display the status of locked or unlocked.
    6. Write: write the corresponding data; make sure 46 unlocked before writing data.
    7. Enter data: the way to enter data is as the same as to enter password.
    2) Read and write 48 chip
    1. Read: read out 48 chip UID, user 1 and user 2 data, and display 48 chip type as well as the status of locked or unlocked.
    2. Write: write the corresponding area data; make sure 48 unlocked before writing data.
    3. Enter data: move cursor to the data input box, press "OK" to proceed, press "Up" and "Down" to select the data (0`F), press "Left" and "Right" to transfer password. After finish press "OK" button to exit, move cursor to "Write" to write data.
    4. Unlock:  if the chip is locked, then it needs to be unlocked before writing into data.
    5. Steps: when the chip is read out locked, please enter PIN code which is the code of 48 chip, move cursor to "Unlock", press "OK" to unlock.
    3) Read and write 4D chip
    1. Read: read out 4D chip password, recognition and ID data, also display their status of unlocked or locked.
    2. Enter data: move cursor to the data input box, press "OK" button to proceed, press "Up" and "Down" to select the data (0`F), press "Left" and "Right" to transfer password. After finish press "OK" to exit, move cursor to "Write" to write data.
    3. Write: write the corresponding area data; make sure 4D unlocked before writing data.
    4. Lock: lock the corresponding area, note: it is unable to unlock after locked.
    5. Car ignition check: enter the verification code, then it will return corresponding signature.
    4. Other chips
    Able to recognize chip 13、40/41/42/44/45、4C/46/48、4D61/62/63/67/68/68﹢/71
    Able to use T5575、em4305 and the compatible cards to copy 13 chip.
    5. Generate chip
    Chip 67 and 68: need the unlocked 4D chip to generate.
    Specialized 48 chip: able to generate chip for only Seattle TA, VW TA, Skoda TA, Audi TA, SEAT TP, VW TP, Skoda TP, Audi TP and Jetta

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  • pakira2002

    V4.2 CBAY Handy Baby Car Key Copy キープログラマ 4D/46/48 Chips対応 G Chip Copy Function G Chip 10pcs

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    管理員: お客様:
    V5.2 CBAY Handy Baby Car Key Copy キープログラマ 4D/46/48 Chips対応+G Chip Copy Function+G Chip 10pcsについては、価格は62300円です。ご確認ください。あの送料については、あのパッケージの実重量とサイズにより自動的に計算されましたです。ご理解ください。
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